Version 3.0.0

Upcoming Changes

For details on significant changes in future versions, including feature deprecations and removals which may necessitate updates to existing workshops, see Upcoming changes.

New Features

  • New data variable added for registry_auth_token. This combines both the registry username and password, separated by a colon, and base64 encoded. The format is as would be expected for HTTP Basic authentication. The variable can be used when setting headers for a session ingress proxy. This is also available as an environment variable in a workshop session as the variable REGISTRY_AUTH_TOKEN.

  • New data variable added for git_auth_token. This combines both the Git username and password, separated by a colon, and base64 encoded. The format is as would be expected for HTTP Basic authentication. The variable can be used when setting headers for a session ingress proxy. This is also available as an environment variable in a workshop session as the variable GIT_AUTH_TOKEN.

Features Changed

  • When using educates create-cluster, if you want the local secrets cache to be copied to the cluster and the installation configuration to be automatically adjusted to use the wildcard certificate or CA secrets, you must supply the --with-local-secrets option. The same option will also need to be supplied with educates admin config view and educates admin platform deploy commands as well.

  • The educates admin platform update command no longer exists for when using local user config with educates create-cluster. If you want to update the in-cluster configuration for Educates when using the local user config, you will need to output the config to a separate file using educates admin config view and use educates admin platform deploy to apply the updated local config to the cluster.

    educates admin config edit
    educates admin config view --with-local-secrets > config.yaml
    educates admin platform deploy --with-local-secrets --config config.yaml
  • Installation of an ingress controller inside of a virtual cluster is no longer dependent on having kapp-controller installed on the underlying host cluster.

  • When the orphaned timeout is specified for a workshop in the training portal, if the browser page has been closed for that period of time the workshop session will be terminated. In addition to this behaviour when the orphaned timeout is specified, if a browser page/tab is hidden for a period of 3 times the orphaned timeout, indicating that the workshop user is not interacting with the workshop session, the workshop session will now also be terminated. Thus if the orphaned timeout had been set to 5 minutes, the workshop session where the browser page had been hidden/inactive for 15 minutes will be terminated. Note that what constitutes hidden may depend on the web browser. For example, a browser may not mark the page as hidden if the browser page is not full screen and is merely covered by another window from the same workspace. Do note that for supervised workshops where the whole event only lasts a certain amount of time, you should avoid the orphaned timeout setting so that a users session is not deleted when they take breaks and their computer goes to sleep.

Bugs Fixed

  • Theme overrides were not being applied to access control pages of the training portal.

  • The changeOrigin property was missing from the Workshop custom resource defintion for ingresses even though was documented as something that could be set.